Sunny Saturday mornings usually find me with undeniable cravings for good food. Depending on the circumstances, I balance simplicity of preparation with speed to the table. On Saturday it's usually a toss-up between pancakes and granola.
I love good granola, and this is my basic recipe.
Basic Granola Recipe
4-6 cups of organic oats
1/3 cup of oil (or mix of a few, e.g., olive, canola)
1/2 - 1 cup of sweetener (or mix a couple, e.g., agave nectar, maple syrup, honey, brown sugar)
1/4-1/2 cup of warm water
A pinch or two of salt
Everything hinges on the quantity of oats you're dealing with. Aim on the high side of the ingredients list for 6 cups, on the low side if using 4 cups. As always, taste as you go and adjust as necessary. If you like your granola sweeter, then make it so! Feel the power!
Mix the oil(s), sweetener(s), water and salt. Sometimes for fun I see if I can emulsify the mixture, but this isn't necessary (I'm maniacal but usually not dangerous with a whisk). Next pour it over the oats and mix until coated and soaked. Now would be a good time to taste it. If it tastes like your horse's feedbag, add some more sweetener! ;-)

Now spread the mix on a baking sheet and bake for 30-60 minutes at 350-425F (depending on how fast you want to be done).

Turn occasionally at 10 minute intervals. When golden brown, remove from oven let it cool for about 10 minutes until it's crispy, then serve. Store in an airtight container for a week or more. Yummy!
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